
I had a tobacco addiction in three forms, consisting of cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco for 20 years off and on. Before I found Angie and laser therapy, I had tried the patch at least a dozen times, Champix, Zyban, gum and a handful of other things, all resulting in short term success, as well as putting my family through the ups and downs of this addiction. After walking out of my first treatment, I felt at ease. Even more importantly my family noticed that my anxiety was not there. So needless to say, I am very grateful and would tell anyone who is at the end of their rope to give it a try.


I loved smoking cigarettes…for 40 years they were my constant friend, there any time I wanted, but it was getting harder to breathe, and even though I tried to leave my friend many times, my friend always came back. I really did not want to quit smoking. I even cancelled my appointment, then cancelled my cancellation and after my first appointment I went home and had a smoke. But after my second appointment two days later, I never smoked again. I am not saying it was easy but I felt I had a secret weapon, one that worked. I got my booster early and even had a second booster at a stressful period in my life, but I am, for the first time in 40 years, smoke free. I feel great! This happened in spite of myself, it works if you let it and work with it. I tell everybody that wants to quit to try this…Everyone tells me I look great, I have lost weight, my skin is clear and I can breathe…if you want to quit…this is the way…it’s permanent…and no nicotine…well worth the investment in yourself and your total well being.


I quit! I had 0 cravings, 0 mood swings, 0 feelings of withdrawal. I have tried everything else and this works! Thank you!!


I smoked for 40 years, about a pack a day. After my first treatment, I noticed that I started to detox right away. I experienced sweats and strange, vivid dreams. After my second treatment, the cravings were about 90% gone. I have now completely quit smoking and have trouble being around other people that smoke because it smells so bad to me now. I am grateful for this treatment and feel much better now!
